National Be Fair Survey Infographic

October is Fair Trade Month and the results are in. Philadelphia reigns as the Fairest City in America, according to the 2013 Be Fair Survey, with Boston and Dallas-Fort Worth following closely behind. To kick off Fair Trade Month, Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in North America, celebrates America’s fairest cities and reminds consumers to Be Fair by choosing Fair Trade when they shop.
The Be Fair Survey also revealed that Americans overwhelmingly demonstrate fairness in their everyday lives, from treating people fairly (91%) to simply holding the door for others (91%). In fact, Americans aspire to include fairness in their shopping habits too. The majority says it’s important to purchase products that treat people fairly by providing safe working conditions (87%), fair compensation (81%) and opportunities for kids to go to school (74%). Yet many are missing out on their chance to Be Fair when they shop – only one-in-five Americans (18%) are purchasing Fair Trade regularly.
The ranking for the Fairest City is as follows:
1. Philadelphia
2. Boston
3. Dallas
4. Atlanta
5. Washington, DC
6. San Francisco
7. Los Angeles
8. Chicago
9. Houston
10. New York
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