Nestlé on Cleaning up Their Aisles

This article originally published on Fox Business
There’s no surprise that consumers want healthier, artificial-free, and easy-to-read ingredients in their foods and Nestlé USA, who is part of the Swiss food giant Nestlé S.A.—the world’s largest food company— is in the process of transforming their entire portfolio to meet consumer demands.
“Just think of the number of aisles in the grocery store that we’re in. Our products are everywhere. And, to go through each and every one of them and make a change—it’s a long process,” says Paul Bakus, President of Corporate Affairs at Nestlé USA.
And, with U.S sales of $9.7 billion in 2014 and over $100 billion globally, Nestle products are virtually everywhere you look. From your morning Nesquik, your Lean Cuisine lunch, to your late night Tombstone pizza—their products can be consumed throughout your day, even your pet’s day.
“We’re in 90% percent of consumers households. We’re with them from birth to their elder years,” says Bakus. “It’s not going to be easy. This is a huge challenge. It’s take a village—internally and externally to make the products commercially viable without losing the quality, and that are safe.”