From Novartis Day of Service to Board Leadership: The Impact on Students 2 Science

Aug 26, 2024 11:45 AM ET

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Charlotte Rocker and Dan Barnett might come from different worlds, but they share a common passion for making a difference. Charlotte, a dynamic product strategy lead at Novartis, is passionate about bringing innovative medicines to patients in need. On the other hand, Dan is a dedicated leader in the nonprofit sector, steering Students 2 Science (S2S) as the Chief Development officer to bring STEM education to students across New Jersey. Despite their different backgrounds, they crossed paths through a skills-based volunteering project organized by Novartis and Common Impact. This collaboration united their expertise and made a remarkable impact on the mission of S2S while laying the foundation for Charlotte to join S2S as a board member.

Charlotte’s Path to the Board of Directors

Charlotte was first introduced to skills-based volunteering through Novartis’s Flash Consulting Day of Service, where employees volunteered their skills to assist STEM-focused nonprofits in New Jersey. Charlotte reflected on this experience, saying, “I hadn’t previously heard of skills-based volunteering; once I learned about it, it felt like a powerful way for me to ‘give back’ some of the skills I’ve built in my career.”

Growing up in New Jersey and now raising her family there, Charlotte resonated with the mission of S2S. “I struggled in science and math and considered those subjects to be ‘not for me.’ It wasn’t until I got to college that I found my true passion for healthcare. I love the idea of helping young students connect to STEM earlier in their lives, with the hope that it can set them up for meaningful education and career opportunities.”

Charlotte’s involvement didn’t stop at volunteering for a day. Her leadership and passion for the mission led to her joining the S2S board of directors. Reflecting on this transition, Charlotte said, “I was surprised and flattered when Dan reached out to me. I am excited to continue supporting S2S long-term instead of just for one day. I hope I can continue to bring a strong external perspective that will challenge and support S2S during its next phase of growth”

Volunteers Support Students 2 Science’s Mission and Help Transform their Financial Approach

S2S is dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and educating students in STEM subjects while equipping them with the skills and opportunities needed for long-term success. The Novartis Day of Service provided a valuable step for the nonprofit to tap into corporate expertise to improve its operations and financial model. With a vision to expand their programs to impact 450,000 students annually, operating 3-5 technology centers in targeted areas, and developing curriculum aligned with future workforce needs, S2S is committed to ensuring that all students in New Jersey have access to vital STEM learning opportunities and career pathways.

Dan Barnett, reflecting on the experience, stated, “I appreciated the thoughtfulness and the time that the Novartis employees dedicated to our project during the Day of Service. The experience gave us an unbiased perspective on how we could improve our operations and financial model. An assessment of our current financial plan was essential to ensure viability, financial feasibility, and long-term sustainability,” Dan shared. “As a result of the event, Students 2 Science has already made several structural changes, with a complete overhaul of our fee-for-service model forthcoming.”

Dan also spoke highly of Charlotte, who was instrumental during the project. “Charlotte’s level of engagement and passion for wanting to help S2S achieve our mission and vision was impressive. As we look to expand our board of trustees with a greater focus on specific skills that would assist the organization, I knew that Charlotte would be a fantastic addition to the board,” he said.

Creating Lasting Connections through Skills-Based Volunteering 

Skills-based volunteering creates long-lasting connections. Volunteers like Charlotte sharpen and develop their skills by connecting to social causes they care about. Nonprofits, like S2S, expand their network and engage individuals they would not otherwise meet.

Dan Barnett observed, “we were fortunate to meet several individuals who shared a passion for our mission and want the nonprofit to continue to thrive, so I look forward to continuing to develop relationships with them.”

Charlotte summed up her experience by saying, “I never would have found S2S without this skills-based volunteering opportunity, so thank you!” This partnership exemplifies how bridging sectors through collaboration can lead to meaningful and enduring relationships that benefit both the volunteers and the nonprofits.

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