Novo Nordisk Scores One for Partnerships

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29 June 2016 – Today, Novo Nordisk published a new issue of its sustainability magazine - TBL Quarterly - showing the value and impact of working in partnerships. The Partnership Issue explores how Novo Nordisk enters into partnerships to better understand chronic diseases like diabetes and executes solutions that would not have been possible alone.
In 2015, global leaders stressed the need to encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships. The latest TBL Quarterly brings real-life examples of collaborative working creating value for multiple partners.
“The opportunities to create positive change are all around us. As a pharmaceutical company, we spend and invest significant resources on improving health for millions of people living with diabetes and other serious chronic diseases,” says Charlotte Ersbøll, corporate vice president in Novo Nordisk. “But the solutions to improve things are multi-dimensional. That is why neither we, nor any other single actor or sector can succeed in changing diabetes in isolation.”
From involving consumers in early research to collaborating to ensure access to medicine, The Partnership Issue shows why working together is worth the effort.
Download The Partnership Issue
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About the TBL Quarterly
Novo Nordisk manages its business in accordance with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) business principle to ensure decisions reflect financial, social and environmental considerations. Through selected themes, new perspectives and personal stories, the TBL Quarterly shows what TBL looks like in practice and demonstrates how a TBL business principle supports long-term value creation. The TBL Quarterly is available as a reader-friendly PDF.
Explore previous issues of the TBL Quarterly
About Novo Nordisk
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. This heritage has given us experience and capabilities that also enable us to help people defeat other serious chronic conditions: haemophilia, growth disorders and obesity. We believe that a healthy environment, society and economy are fundamental to long-term value creation. This is why we manage our business in accordance with the Triple Bottom Line business principle and consider the environmental, social and financial impact of our business decisions.
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