NRG Energy's Commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal set of goals, targets and indicators that United Nations member states – and, increasingly, businesses – are expected to use to frame agendas and policies surrounding development.
NRG's core business most closely aligns with:
• Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
• Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Our activities also support other SDGs. Find examples within our sustainability report using the table in the image above.
Download NRG Energy’s Sustainability Report here.
Learn more about NRG Energy’s sustainability initiatives here.
About NRG
NRG is the leading integrated power company in the U.S., built on the strength of the nation’s largest and most diverse competitive electric generation portfolio and leading retail electricity platform. A Fortune 200 company, NRG creates value through best in class operations, reliable and efficient electric generation, and a retail platform serving residential and commercial businesses. Working with electricity customers, large and small, we continually innovate, embrace and implement sustainable solutions for producing and managing energy. We aim to be pioneers in developing smarter energy choices and delivering exceptional service as our retail electricity providers serve almost 3 million residential and commercial customers throughout the country.