Old Mutual on Embedding Responsible Investment

Getting it right
To support our drive for best practice in responsible investment, we constantly monitor our compliance with our Responsible Investment Standard. We aim to be active and engaged investors: our South African asset manager has met our target of casting 100% of proxy votes, and we are making good progress across the rest of the Group. A proxy vote is where we vote on a company resolution at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on behalf of the people who have delegated that responsibility to us.
Making it transparent
We want to make it easy for customers to know where their savings are being invested. We are currently working with key stakeholders on how best to use the industry’s emerging system of fund ratingsforresponsible investment.
Spreading the word
We actively contribute to the debate on responsible investment through our involvement in initiatives such as the UK Sustainable Investment Forum and the Code for Responsible Investment in South Africa. We have played an active part in the drafting of South Africa’s King IV Code on Corporate Governance, and have supported the development of the Africa Directors Programme in conjunction with theUniversity of Stellenbosch Business School and INSEAD.
Collaborating to invest responsibly
We can build a better business faster if we work together. When we bring together skillsets, insights and experiences from our different businesses, we create greater impact. This is already delivering results in our drive to be a leader in responsible investment. Our Responsible Investment team, based in Old Mutual Investment Group, partners with teams across the Group – and organisations such as the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiative and the Investment Leaders Group – to embed our responsible investment approach across our international businesses. Responsible investment stakeholders convened to exchange ideas and network at the 2015 PRI in Person conference, where Old Mutual was a gold sponsor.
"It was fantastic for Old Mutual to be supporting the PRI for the third year in a row. The event continues to provide the best annual opportunity to listen to and engage with thought leaders on material and emerging ESG issues" -Jon Duncan Head of Responsible Investment, Old Mutual
Download the Positive Futures Plan 2015 here