Open Source at Bloomberg: 1H 2023 Engagement

Sep 28, 2023 10:00 AM ET

Originally published on

Many Bloomberg engineers are active consumers, community participants, contributors, and leaders of various open source projects. Over the first half of 2023, Bloomberg’s Open Source Program Office (OSPO) and its engineers have come together to build, maintain, develop, and fund open source projects. These activities range from filing new commits, contributing pull requests, developing and publishing tools and features, being appointed to and/or sponsoring leadership roles, launching the Bloomberg FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) Contributor Fund, and more. The Bloomberg team also regularly promotes its use cases for these projects and its efforts to advance open source technologies through numerous conference presentations, podcast interviews, and media engagements.

Our long track record of embracing open source is an investment in the future of these technologies. Our goal: to keep the open source ecosystem secure, resilient, and healthy as more and more users and companies rely on open source to keep their systems running.

Here is a roundup of Bloomberg’s open source engagement during the first half of 2023.

Contributions and Projects

  • Ceph: Bloomberg’s Distributed Storage team had its first major commit accepted in upstream Ceph; their PR fixed a major bug with race condition in multisite during full sync involving deletes.
  • Hera: A new version (v5) of Dyno’s open source project Hera was released in collaboration with Bloomberg and AI Software Engineer Sambhav Kothari. This release expanded Hera to feature parity with workflows and events.
  • Lexical: Several Bloomberg engineers have been contributing to this popular JavaScript Text Editor Framework that powers the Bloomberg Terminal. Between them, Attila Novak, Ben Carleton, Ebad Salehi, Ivaylo Pavlov, and Shubhanker Srivastava have landed 20 PRs in the first half of 2023 to improve core functionality.
  • Memray: Memray 1.8.0 was published, and it includes a groundbreaking feature: temporal flame graphs. These provide a new perspective on memory usage in programs with dynamic time range analysis. No more static snapshots; explore memory allocation over time!
  • MiniLMv2: Bloomberg’s AI researchers published “MiniLMv2.BB,” an open source implementation of the MiniLMv2 method detailed in the ACL 2021 paper “MiniLMv2: Multi-Head Self-Attention Relation Distillation for Compressing Pretrained Transformers.” Using this code, one can distill NLP language models, including BERT or RoBERTa, to a smaller size in order to enable lower latency inference.
  • Network Transport Framework (NTF): Bloomberg’s engineers published an open source version of its NTF on GitHub. This collection of asynchronous networking APIs/libraries is designed for sending and receiving data between processes in scalable, high-performance applications.
  • PyStack: Bloomberg’s Python Infrastructure team published PyStack, an open source debugging tool that can inspect the stack frames of a running Python process or core file to determine what is happening without having to understand CPython internals. [read more about PyStack]
  • TypeScript: Bloomberg’s JavaScript Infrastructure team continues to collaborate with the core TypeScript team to improve the language and tooling. Chi Leung helped modernize namespaces and Leo Elmecker-Plakolm introduced types for an ES2023 feature. There is also exciting progress on experiments to speed up type-checking via parallel builds.
  • Ecma TC39: Bloomberg contributes to governance, maintenance, and technical advancement of the JavaScript language. Daniel Ehrenberg is Ecma Vice President and Rob Palmer is Co-Chair of TC39. Software Engineer Ashley Claymore introduced the Await Dictionary proposal. Peter Klecha advanced the Promise.withResolvers() proposal to Stage 3. The Symbols as WeakMap keys and Change Array by Copy features are part of ES2023 thanks to Bloomberg engineers.
  • V8: Bloomberg’s ongoing collaboration with Igalia has led to significant wins for the developer experience via contributions to Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. Memory debugging via Heap Snapshots was optimized to be 2x-100x faster. Advanced native profiling on Windows using ETW tracing was enabled to show both native and JavaScript function names.

Community Engagement

Conference Sightings

Watch some of the many talks Bloomberg’s engineers delivered at conferences around the globe in the first half of 2023.

ACCU Conference 2023

Berlin Buzzwords 2023

Cephalocon 2023

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023

Open Source Summit North America 2023

OpenInfra Summit Vancouver 2023

PyCon US 2023

In The Media

CppCast podcast

The Changelog podcast: How companies are sponsoring OSS (Alyssa Wright)

OSPOlogy: How OSPOs Manage Change In Enterprises For Open Source Adoption (Alyssa Wright)

TODO Group | OSPOlogy: OSPOs Fostering FOSS Sustainability Through Effective Collaborative Funding (Alyssa Wright)

Talk Python To Me podcast

TechTarget: Sidecarless eBPF service mesh sparks debate (Andrey Rybka)

The New Stack