Oportun's Impact on Environmental Sustainability
2020 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report
Oportun recognizes that a sustainable healthy planet is critical to ensuring the long-term success of our business and the well-being of the communities we serve. To that end, we leverage our position as a financial services company to promote more sustainable and responsible business practices. In partnership with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and other organizations, we have assessed our environmental impact and developed sustainability initiatives, beginning with our corporate offices.
Carbon reduction
Purchased carbon offsets for business travel by partnering with Cool Effect; recognized as a Certified Carbon Fighter for reducing emissions by 2,861 tons in 2020
Reducing paper
Decreased paper waste and improved the customer experience by using electronic signatures and providing electronic loan documents in over 95 percent of our applications, saving over 138,900 pounds of paper
Energy efficiency
Reduced energy consumption 25 percent by switching to LED lighting in our San Carlos headquarters and dimming corporate lighting environments
Used compostable materials in the cafeteria of our San Carlos headquarters
Waste management
Implemented a pilot program that removed single-use plastics from all vending machines in our San Carlos headquarters
To read the full report, click here.