OTE and COSMOTE Launch Joint 2014 Sustainability Report

“We embrace change and evolve to become better. We treat each challenge as an opportunity to change and improve. We become closer to our fellow citizens, paying back their trust in OTE. Stronger and healthier than ever, we join forces with society and enhance our country’s prospects and potential.”
Michael Tsamaz Chairman and CEO of OTE Group
OTE Group is the leading telecommunications provider in Greece and one of the pre-eminent providers in South East Europe, offering its customers excellent quality products and services. OTE is the main fixed line operator in Greece, offering broadband, fixed-line telephony, TV, data and leased line services. COSMOTE, OTE’s fully-owned subsidiary, is the leading provider of mobile telephony services in Greece, focusing on innovation, quality and customer care.
The strategic objective of OTE and COSMOTE is to be modern, dynamic, customer-oriented, high performance companies that provide the best quality service, the best network and the best working environment in order to maintain their leading position in the markets in which they operate.
The 2014 Sustainability Report has been compiled in accordance with the guidelines of GRI G3.1 A+ application level. It is presented online, for the second year running, on a specially formulated reporting platform for OTE and COSMOTE. The companies have worked on improving the report’s content and design, by using interactive tools to meet the different reporting needs of all stakeholders.
Key 2014 achievements include:
Corporate Responsibility Strategy and Management
- Development of the OTE Group Corporate Responsibility Policy.
- Development of the OTE Group Social Charter.
- Participation in the FTSE4Good and Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 indices.
- Further development of responsible products and services, as well as support of research and innovative programs in these areas, taking into account the catalytic role of the Information Technology and Communications sector to protect the environment, to support society and to enable economic development.
- Both companies provided information to over 57,000 people regarding the safe use of the Internet and mobile telephony services.
- OTE and COSMOTE have included, in the contract terms with suppliers, compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. They have evaluated a number of suppliers, 72% and 95% respectively, of their annual procurement volume.
- The functional integration of fixed and mobile telephony capabilities continued lto enhance organizational effectiveness.
- Employees of OTE and COSMOTE attended 4,477 hours and 2,082 hours respectively in Health and Safety training.
- More than 1,400 OTE technicians attended the reskilling and up-skilling program ACT2.
- Supported vulnerable social groups and education with more than € 1.8m (financial and in-kind support).
- OTE offered discounts of more than €2.6m to the elderly and the disabled.
- Through the OTE-COSMOTE Scholarship Program, 50 Scholarships and Honorary Distinction awards were granted, reaching the amount of €374,360.
- For the second year, OTE and COSMOTE have secured Guarantees of Origin, assuring that for the total electricity consumption of OTE and COSMOTE, from the Public Power Corporation, an equivalent amount of energy has been produced from Renewable Energy Sources.
- The IT application for the environmental data collection and reporting developed in 2013, became fully operational at OTE Group level during 2014 and was utilized in the context of the various reporting activities (e.g. in the compilation of the 2014 Sustainability Report).
- Compared to 2013, the total energy consumption of OTE and COSMOTE decreased in 2014 by 1.3% resulting in a decrease of direct greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption (scope 1) by 11% (1,850 t CO2 eq) and a decrease of indirect greenhouse gas emissions from electricity and district heating (scope 2) by 5% (14,000 t CO2 eq).
To download the report click here.
You can read the report here. Feedback is welcome via a short online questionnaire here.
For further details, please contact: ote-cosmote.cr@ote.gr