Paintbrushes at the Ready Children...It's "Time to Talk"

Originally published on the Huffington Post UK
On behalf of our friends at The British Association of Art Therapists, we are delighted to direct our readers to a special online issue of the Huffington Post UK, edited by Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Cambridge, for the UK's Children's Mental Health Week. As part of this issue, Mary Rose Brady, BAAT Director of Operations, authored an article on art therapy and children's mental health.
She explains: "We know that children tend to be 'doers' rather than 'talkers.' Art provides children with the tools for the job. Art therapists have long understood the power of the visual image in externalising and giving form to uneasy emotions or feelings. Without exception the children that I have treated over many years have expressed that their art expression sincerely holds their truth. To quote one child: 'when you tell, people might not believe you, but when you make a drawing, it's there on the table.'"
"Art therapy is a game changer in terms of changing the way something is done or thought about. The fact that in art therapy there is a tangible product ensures that children with communication, emotional or mental health difficulties can be both seen and heard, and therefore 'thought about' in more helpful and empathic ways."
This includes excerpts from an article written by Mary Rose Brady, Director of Operations at the British Association of Art Therapists. Click here to read the full story.
This is an excerpt from an article written by Columbian College of Arts & Sciences writer, John Diconsiglio. Click here to continue reading the full story. - See more at: