Pampers’ “1 Pack = 1 Vaccine” Celebrates 10 Years of Impact
There's no denying that cause marketing has evolved from its inception over 30 years ago. Campaigns are flashier, consumers are more critical and the issues are more complex. And although some pundits may be issuing the cry to "kill cause marketing," it's hard to argue with the incredible impact a strong and compelling cause marketing campaign can make on the world around us. This year, one campaign celebrates 10 years of life-changing work through a simple call to action.
Pampers is commemorating a decade of working with UNICEF in the fight to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) in 17 countries. The partnership comes to life and into consumers' hearts through the "1 Pack = 1 Vaccine" campaign, a small call to action where the purchase of one pack of Pampers triggers a donation of one MNT vaccine dose. The campaign, one of the very first in the "buy one, give one" movement, also raises awareness for a serious issue. Every year, 58,000 babies die within the first month of life from MNT—a completely preventable disease. Pampers' efforts have helped UNICEF save an estimated 500,000 newborn lives and protected 100 million women and their newborns from the deadly disease. To mark the 10-year partnership, Pampers is taking the campaign online so even more people can contribute in the fight against MNT. As part of the "Pampers UNICEF 10th Anniversary Wish," consumers can share a video marking the anniversary and trigger a vaccine, without purchase.
Pampers' "1 Pack = 1 Vaccine" has stood the test of time because it embodies true best-in-class principles:
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