Park It!

Why Walking Is The New Driving
Jan 25, 2010 11:00 AM ET

Park It! Why Walking Is The New Driving

I’m a big fan of the walk. The after-dinner walk. The Newton-the-pug-it’s-afternoon-and-I’m-stir-crazy walk. The lazy stroll around the local farmer’s market. You name it, it’s probably worth taking a turn around.

Walking is good for you, introduces you to nature (if you’re not already acquainted) and saves on fossil fuel use. It’s a win, win, win, win.

I wish everyone would walk more. Maybe they would if they watched this cute video from

So put on your hiking boots, or your sneakers or your earth shoes - just as long as you part your car and get out there and walk. is dedicated to our users. We focus our attention on changing the world through recycling, waste-to-energy and conservation. We reward our users for their sustainable behaviors on our website, through our Greenopolis Tracking Stations and with curbside recycling programs.


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