Pink: More Than Just a Color
by Royce Epstein, A&D Design Director for Mohawk Group.

Originally published by Mohawk
The beautiful shades of pink are more than just colors.
Each October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to remember to get a mammogram, educate yourself and your family about the risks of cancer, and also raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and patient resources.
Mohawk Group participates all year long in a special program called Specify for a Cure, in which we donate proceeds from a select group of products to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Komen’s mission is to end breast cancer through research, care, community, and action, and at Mohawk we share that same mission.
All. About. Pink.
As a six year breast cancer survivor, I can say that I, too, share this mission. The fight against breast cancer has become personal – and since one in eight women may get breast cancer (and some men too), it almost certainly will be personal for you, your family, and your friends and colleagues.
Help us continue to support the fight against breast cancer by participating in Specify for a Cure– you will be doing good for your community as you join us to give back to ours. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we created custom pink carpets using our new Personal Studio online design tool. We took our standard patterns and personalized the colors to easily make them pink.
The following were personalized with pink accent yarns in PS Studio:
Angled Perception – Inverse 459
Hidden Dimensions – 459
Enlivened – 459
Zip It – 459
Additional products:
Color Balance – 959 Bedrock
Shadow Pass – 939 Hull
Large & Local – 955 Jarrard
True Rubber – 66 Impatience