Pinktober - #C4Gchat

As you are likely aware, October is breast cancer awareness month. Many companies--from General Mills' Yoplait to KitchenAid--have branded products, logos, and services for the cure. Cause Marketing Forum has a great Pinterest board that illustrates different companies' approaches to 'Pinktober.'
We're talking with Cause Marketing Forum, YourCause, and Armchair Advocates to get their advice on how companies can engage with cause-labeled months to create their own giving campaign. Join us!
Pinktober: A Month of Cause Marketing
#C4Gchat | Hosted by @Companies4Good
Tuesday, October 16 at 1pm
YourCause - When it comes to creating corporate cause programs, YourCause thinks about a Chinese food menu—encouraging clients to pick and choose the right solutions for their needs. YourCause's clients are aligned with myriad causes, including breast cancer awareness. They’ll be tweeting via @YourCause.
Cause Marketing Forum - Through events and online tools, the membership-based company connects businesses interested in cause marketing with relevant nonprofits. Their website provides a comprehensive overview of the cause marketing arena and features relevant reports, statistics, and insights. Cause Marketing Forum’s twitter handle is @TweetCMF.
Armchair Advocates - With a tagline 'where social media meets social good,' you can't not like these folks. Armchair Advocates is a community of global citizens using digital platforms to "educate, fundraise, and advocate for the issues that matter most." You may know I'm already a fan of 'slacktivism,' but this group takes it to another level. Tweets via @ArmchrAdvocates.
Never been to a Tweetup? Here’s how it works:
1) On Tuesday, October 16 go to Twitter (or Twitter platform such as Tweetdeck or Hootsuite)
2) Search for #C4Gchat
3) Join the conversation!
4) If you want to ask our featured guests a question, tweet it to @Companies4Good.
You can participate from anywhere in the world, and connect with cause-marketing folks of different stripes.
We hope you’ll join us. If you have questions, email us:
See you on the Twitterverse.
Want info on cause marketing before tomorrow's TweetChat? Sign up for our weekly tips on employee engagement and cause marketing!