Placing Sustainability in the Hands of Children

Blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Company
Oct 19, 2010 9:26 AM ET

Taiga Company Blog

Children are quickly gaining eco awareness and are in many cases educating their parents. Given access to and experience with sustainability concepts, children often take the lead on green living ideas. Why not give them the sustainability tools they need? 

With summer coming to an end, the kids will soon be back in school. Take this as an opportunity to expand your children’s eco awareness and introduce some concepts of sustainable living as they head into a new year of learning.   Going back to school can be an exciting time for both parents and children. It is a time of renewal and discovery, as you visit the stores to load up on the supplies needed for the coming school year. It can also be a great way to introduce your family to some fun sustainable alternatives.   As a green living consultant, I most often speak with adults about incorporating sustainability concepts into their daily lives. Here are a few tips to raise eco awareness at home while ‘greening’ your back to school: click here to continue reading.  

Home to one third of the earth's trees, the Taiga is the largest land-based biosphere and encircles the globe. Its immense oxygen production literally changes the atmosphere and refreshes the planet. It is this continuous renewal that has shaped Taiga Company's vision to drive similar change in the business world. Taiga Company seeks to be the "oxygen for your business".