Podcast: Constructing a Purpose-Built Career
Anglea Parker's Journey into a career with purpose

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How do you create a career path that aligns with your values?
Angela Parker, CEO and co-founder of Realized Worth, shares insights about what skillsets are most in demand, how to pitch and get approval for your ideas, and how to keep your life’s purpose front-and-center, no matter what your career throws at you.
About Angela
Angela Parker is CEO and co-founder of Realized Worth, a consultancy that helps companies build meaningful social impact programs. She is a prolific writer, speaker, and consultant whose work focuses on the practical application of transformative learning theory in corporate settings.
More episodes packed with practical insight
To hear more from industry leaders - including Jen Carter of Google, and Patricia Toothman of Splunk - on how to create blueprints for navigating a CSR career, building a social impact program, and adapting to changing times, visit Submittable's Impact Studio. You'll hear six episodes revealing a number of practical insights you can use in your mission.