Podcast: What Is the ‘S’ in ESG, and How Do You Measure It?
Carmen Perez, founder and partner at Better Next

Audio File
You need the right frameworks to define and measure the effects of your social impact program. Carmen digs into how to build these frameworks, exploring the nuances of outputs versus outcomes, how CSR and ESG terminology is evolving, and the standardization of social impact data.
About Carmen
Carmen Perez is founder and partner of Better Next, serving as an advisor and leader of social impact special projects for more than 100 multinational corporations. She built her reputation on her extraordinary expertise in measurement, pioneering new methodologies and metrics for measuring social impact.
More episodes packed with practical insight
To hear more from industry leaders - including Jen Carter of Google, Patricia Toothman of Splunk, and Angela Parker of Realized Worth - on how to create blueprints for navigating a CSR career, building a social impact program, and adapting to changing times, visit Submittable's Impact Studio. You'll hear six episodes revealing a number of practical insights you can use in your mission.