Powering Today’s Mobile Economy
Raj Subramaniam Discusses New Opportunities for Customers and Businesses

Raj Subramaniam, FedEx Corporation
Raj Subramaniam looks beyond the horizon. As Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President at FedEx Corporation, he anticipates global growth trends — like the e-commerce revolution — that create new business opportunities by connecting and empowering people across the planet. So what’s on his radar today?
“I see mobility reshaping the globe. Already, food is more mobile. Biomedicine is more mobile. Electronic banking has made global capital more mobile. Innovation itself is more mobile. And for many businesses, mobile has become the main touch point with customers.
Mobility is an agent of societal change. It’s not just about business opportunities and consumer experiences — it’s about providing new access to essential human services. This is especially exciting in the developing world. In Africa, for example, farmers access data on crop disease, fertilization techniques, weather and market prices.
FedEx helps power today’s mobile economy through our global physical network that millions of people rely on. Every day, we handle 12 million packages, and every day more of those shipments begin not with the click of a mouse but a tap on a mobile device. As mobile commerce takes off, I am lucky to have a front-row seat to see and shape how businesses — from big box stores to start-ups — use our network to fuel remarkable innovation.
For us, this is just the beginning. Mobility is not only opening up new opportunities for consumers and businesses. It’s reshaping the globe.”
To learn more about citizenship efforts at FedEx, visit csr.fedex.com to view the 2017 Global Citizenship Report. Highlights from the impact of mobility include:
$2 trillion — expected size of the mobile economy in 2017
3.5 billion — number of global citizens online
84% — median rate of cell phone ownership in emerging and developing nations
60% — of online retail sales in Asia will be from mobile devices by 2019