Procter & Gamble is Doing Good Every Day with Tide Loads of Hope and Relief Efforts

Photo by Adam Dean @adamjdean Sponsored by @tidelaundry
"I first visited the ancient city of Bhaktapur, in Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley, a decade before I made this photo. Like many visitors before me, I was captivated by its serene temples and cobbled alleys. The next time I returned, Bhaktapur was in ruins, destroyed by the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Nepal in 2015. In the days after the earthquake, I found myself returning to the city. It was heartbreaking to see the temples and buildings reduced to rubble and witness the devastation on the lives of the residents. Late one afternoon, as I climbed through the wreckage, I came upon this man dusting off what he could find of his belongings, beginning the process of rebuilding his life and his city. It felt like a sign of hope. @ProcterGamble is #DoingGoodEveryDay by helping to bring a sense of normalcy to those impacted by similar natural disasters through @tidelaundry Loads of Hope and other relief efforts."