Products: Safeway's Sustainable Seafood

Campaign: Products We Sell

As one of the country’s largest grocers, Safeway recognizes its responsibility to protect our natural resources. Protecting our oceans is critical for maintaining the availability of seafood for future generations and the health of our planet. We set a progressive, industry-leading goal for all our fresh and frozen seafood to be responsibly caught or farmed, or from sources making credible improvements, by the end of 2015.

To accomplish our goal, we partnered with FishWise, a California-based nonprofit organization that works with companies to conserve marine resources through environmentally responsible business practices. Together with FishWise, we’re continually educating our staff and customers on environmental issues and collaborating with suppliers to source seafood more responsibly.

Our efforts were recently recognized by Greenpeace USA, which has named us as one of the highest-ranked national grocers for sustainable seafood for the past four years in a row.

We offer seafood that already meets our 2015 goal. Look for items marked “Responsible Choice” while you shop. That means they are considered a “Best Choice” or a “Good Alternative” by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch® program, or they are certified to an equal standard. When you purchase “Responsible Choice” seafood from your neighborhood Safeway store, you can feel proud to be making a healthy decision for you, your family and the environment. Our Safeway canned skipjack tuna is FAD-free and rated a “Best Choice” by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program.

We take seafood safety seriously. We work with suppliers who monitor seafood products for high levels of mercury to ensure the seafood you buy is safe.

Learn more about our sustainable seafood efforts on our website. Join the Facebook and Twitter conversation by using the #HeartOfSafeway hashtag.

Seafood Watch® is a registered service mark of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation.