Promoting Increased Mobility in the Retail and Adjacent Sectors
Walmart seeks not only to improve the economic mobility of our own associates, but also to increase mobility in retail and adjacent sectors at large.

Walmart | Creating Economic Opportunity
In 2015, as a complement to our own investments in wages and training, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation launched a five-year, $100 million initiative to increase upward mobility of frontline retail and adjacent sector workers in the U.S. Through collaboration with other retailers, educational institutions, technology companies, nonprofit organizations, government agencies and thought leaders, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are aspiring to shift the employment practices of the whole retail sector to help people advance more quickly. Our strategies for accelerating mobility are outlined in the table on the right. Through the end of January 2016, we have made grants totaling more than $39 million in support of this commitment. With these efforts, we hope to enhance the quality of the retail workforce. We’re also striving to transform retail into an early workforce incubator for the economy – a place where anyone can get a job and quickly develop the skills to advance their careers in retail or beyond.
View the complete Walmart | Global Responsibility Report 2016 here