Q&A with Gail Klintworth, A Responsible Approach

Q – What does it mean to be a responsible business?
A – It’s about working to add value for all of our stakeholders. Banks, insurance companies and investment houses were founded on the power of doing things together: pooling people’s money to manage risks and returns better than they could do as individuals. But trust in financial services companies has dwindled as they are perceived to focus on increasing rewards for shareholders
and executives at the expense of customers. At Old Mutual we want to live up to our true purpose– helping customers to achieve their financial goals, while investing their funds in ways that create a positive future for them, their families, the community, and the wider world. This in turn will ensure sustainable returns for shareholders too.
Q – Why focus on financial wellbeing and responsible investment?
A – We want to be a leader in responsible business and we believe financial wellbeing and responsible investment are where we can make a long-term positive difference. Our Positive Futures Plan, developed with the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership, has ambitious goals to reach millions of individuals through financial education and inclusion. We’ve also set targets for investments in the green economy and infrastructure, and transparency around responsible investment.
Q – Why is a long-term view so important?
A – Financial wellbeing and responsible investment are by nature long-term. Financial wellbeing depends on giving everyone access to financial services that meet their current and future needs, while basic financial literacy is the key to greater independence and achieving their lifetime financial goals. Responsible investment promotes the sustainability of our planet and its inhabitants. By allocating capital responsibly, we help to maximise opportunities and ensure scarce resources are used effectively. Progressive companies naturally think long-term, embedding environmental and social issues in their strategies. These focus areas will deliver sustainable, long-term value for us and for society.
Download the Positive Futures Plan 2015 here