Qualcomm and The Million Girls Moonshot

As published in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report
The Million Girls Moonshot (the Moonshot) is a transformative, nationwide initiative that’s re-imagining who can engineer, who can build and who can invent. It aims to inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through after-school and summer programs by 2025. The Moonshot aligns with our Company’s goal to increase diversity of talent in the STEM workforce pipeline.
Through a collaborative funding model, the Moonshot provides grants to every state in the United States through the 50 State After-school Networks to help them support equity-focused, hands-on STEM learning experiences to students in after-school programs.
In 2022, the Moonshot launched the 2022 Flight Crew, featuring 16 remarkable youth from across the country as STEM ambassadors. These young leaders have been working in their communities to break down stereotypes and spark their peers’ curiosity in STEM. The Flight Crew are committed to using afterschool learning to build a better future where young girls everywhere can envision a place for themselves in STEM, and they are amplifying youth voices in the national conversation around STEM equity.
The Moonshot’s second year impact includes connecting more than 1.1 million students in afterschool STEM programs and engaging 94,399 teachers across 50 states.
We will continue to support the Moonshot’s efforts to provide STEM programming in the 50 State Afterschool Networks. Additionally, we will look to focus our support in a few key areas, including changing the narrative about who can be an inventor and empowering young women in invention, while amplifying female leaders and role models in STEM. We will also focus on opportunities to provide educational resources to educators throughout the network.
Learn more in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report