Qualcomm: Supporting STEM Education

As published in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report
STEM drives the breakthrough technologies and inventions we bring to life. As technology leaders and a Company of inventors, we are committed to developing a highly skilled and inclusive workforce that stands ready to meet global demand and address the most pressing challenges of our time.
A diverse pipeline of STEM professionals is vital for our continued leadership in breakthrough technologies. As we look at some of the current workforce challenges in the United States and beyond, we’ve dedicated our resources to supporting initiatives that:
- Help to bridge the STEM skills gap among students globally
- Build STEM capacity among teachers and educators
- Engage women and URM in STEM fields
- Leverage our employees as STEM ambassadors in our communities
In 2022, we achieved our 2025 goal to engage 1.5 million students and teachers across the globe. This rapid growth is partly due to in person instruction and student engagement ramping up to almost pre-pandemic levels. Additionally, we also saw strong growth across several initiatives, including our Thinkabit Lab sites and our collaborations with Million Girls Moonshot and FIRST. Our STEM programs have reached just over 2.3 million students and over 110,000 educators since 2020.
Learn more in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report