Quantifying Impact - White Paper

In today’s digital world transparency is a given, but evidence is now critical. The TCFD recommendations and the SDGs will change sustainability reporting adding further pressure on companies to disclose validated data, quantify impact and showcase future resilience.
To help you identify meaningful data, quantify progress and demonstrate accurate impacts we have brought industries leaders to share their experiences and insight in our newly produced white paper Quantifying Impact – free to download here. Get exclusive insights from:
Mark Lewis, Managing Director, Global Head of Research, Carbon Tracker
Rodney Irwin, Managing Director, Redefining Value & Education, WBCSD
Fiona Wild, Vice President, Climate Change and Sustainability, BHP Billiton
Emma Ringström, Sustainability Manager, AkzoNobel
Victoria Legett, Head of Impact Investing, UBP
Johanna Koeb, Head of Responsible Investment, Zurich Insurance
Niamh Whooley, Senior Vice-President ESG, Pimco
Dr Jake Reynolds, Executive Director, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability
Click here to access the exclusive complimentary Quantifying Impact white paper
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Candy Telani Anton
Head of Europe | Ethical Corporation
0207 375 7162