Race and Insurance: What Insurance Commissioners Are Saying About It
With racial injustice at the forefront of the American conversation, Aflac CEO Dan Amos joined a group of insurance regulators to discuss how the industry can become more diverse and inclusive.
Sep 21, 2020 1:50 PM ET
Duckprints Done Right

Originally published on Risk & Insurance
by Jared Shelly
Dan Amos, CEO of Aflac, said that fair insurance practices start with diverse insurance organizations.
“There should never be unfair discrimination,” said Amos. “But the culture of the company can make sure it doesn’t happen — or at least they stop it if they see it happen.”
Amos said that Aflac’s workforce is 66% women, 35% African American and almost 50% minority. To keep those numbers moving in the right directions, Amos gets personally involved in diversity initiatives.