Realizing Women’s Full Financial Potential
Gender equality unlocks economic growth

Realizing Women’s Full Financial Potential
Globally, women influence or control more than 25 percent of wealth, but a lack of access to affordable financial products and services can hold them back. BNY Mellon helps increase women’s financial inclusion to improve their lives, communities and society.
Once women establish a financial footprint by opening checking or savings accounts, they can build their financial empowerment through the use of payment systems and loans, which help women achieve financial health and enable them to mitigate risk and plan and save for the future.
The more women realize their full potential as independent and empowered financial agents, the more improvements will be evident in local health and educational outcomes, along with expansions in entrepreneurship and greater overall financial security. These are all key ingredients to global economic growth and sustainable development.
Learn more about the financial impacts of increasing gender equality in BNY Mellon’s 2017 CSR Report.