Recognizing and Honoring the Sacrifices of Firefighters

Firefighters selflessly dedicate their time to protecting our lives and property, and sometimes they make the ultimate sacrifice while risking their lives to save others.
On May 4th – International Firefighters’ Day – we invite you to recognize and honor the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible, and to thank current and past firefighters for their contributions.
In honor of International Firefighters’ Day, America's Charities is celebrating firefighters everywhere, along with our member the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.
The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation's mission is to honor and remember America's fallen fire heroes, to provide resources to assist their families in rebuilding their lives, and work within the fire service community to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries.
By donating to the Foundation, you help make the following special programs, events, and opportunities possible:
National Memorial Weekend
The Foundation provides travel, lodging, and meals for immediate family members of fallen firefighters being honored. This allows families to participate in Family Day sessions conducted by trained grief counselors and in the private and public tributes.
Support programs for the families of fallen firefighters
When a firefighter dies in the line of duty, the Foundation provides their families with a place to turn. Families receive emotional assistance through a Fire Hero Family Support Network, which matches family members with similar experiences and circumstances. Families receive a quarterly newsletter and specialized grief publications. Our website provides extensive information on benefits, Foundation programs, and other resources.
Award scholarships to the families of fallen firefighters
Spouses, life partners, children, and stepchildren of fallen firefighters are eligible for scholarship assistance for education and job training costs.
Help departments deal with line-of-duty deaths
The Foundation offers training to help fire departments handle a line-of-duty death. Departments receive extensive pre-incident planning support. Immediately after a death, a Chief-to-Chief Network provides technical assistance and personal support to help the department and the family.
Work to prevent line-of-duty deaths and injuries
With the support of fire and life safety organizations, the Foundation has launched a major initiative to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries. Our goal is to reduce line-of-duty firefighter deaths by 25 percent in 5 years.
Create a National Memorial Park
The Foundation is expanding the National Memorial site in Emmitsburg, Maryland, to create the first permanent National Memorial Park honoring all firefighters. The Park includes a brick Walk of Honor® that connects the Memorial Chapel and the official National Monument.
Click here to learn more about the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation's programs and events.
One of the most cost-efficient ways you can support these nonprofits is to donate to them via payroll deduction through your employer's workplace giving program. As the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s workplace giving partner, America’s Charities can help your company implement a program centered on supporting their work - through workplace giving campaigns, employee fundraising, matching gifts, and other employee engagement and philanthropic initiatives. Don't have a program? Click here to have your employer contact our team to get started.