Reflections on Our Land Rights Journey

Reflections on Our Land Rights Journey
It has now been over a year since we made our commitment on zero-tolerance for land grabs. As part of the rigorous value chain analysis of our human rights impacts that we undertake, land rights had surfaced as one of the risks. However, it was through Oxfam’s Behind the Brands campaign on land rights and sugar, in which we gained a greater understanding of the issue and risks. We mobilized quickly as we recognized this as a gap in our Sustainable Agriculture Guiding Principles (SAGP). Our SAGP, which outlines our expectations to suppliers all the way to the farm level, demonstrates the importance the company places on transparency and accountability across our supply chain.
Building upon over a decade of experience in human rights, I am confident that we have the tools, systems and processes to successfully implement respect for land rights. This is a process that will take time and we are committed to sustained and meaningful engagement.
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Read more from Ed Potter on Journey:
Imagine 700,000 Coca-Cola Human Rights Moments Every Year
How to Implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights