Registration Now Open for the BSR Conference 2016: Will You Help Us Reach the High Bar?

This year, we’ve set a high bar for our annual event, the BSR Conference 2016. As we announced in February, our theme of “Be Bold” challenges us to develop and deliver the Conference in ways that will surprise, inspire, and activate all of our participants and partners.
We’re up to the challenge, and hope you will hold us to it. With this, I’m pleased to announce that registration is now open for the BSR Conference 2016, taking place November 1-3 in New York.
Bold thinking is precisely the modus operandi of our already confirmed plenary speakers. I was thrilled to confirm my personal climate hero, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Christiana Figueres, who was essentially tasked with saving the planet. At TED2016, after the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, Figures said, “There is no way you can deliver victory without optimism.” I can’t wait to see what she does next.
In the newly released book Connect: How Companies Succeed by Engaging Radically with Society, Executive Chairman of L1 Energy Lord John Browne takes a hard look at how big businesses connect—or, more accurately, often fail to connect—with society at large. What will you think about his manifesto for reconciliation when he shares it in the Grand Hyatt ballroom this November?
Changing weather patterns can directly impact a company’s ability to deliver quality products to consumers and value to shareholders. As the chairman and CEO of General Mills, Ken Powell recognized the need to mitigate the risks of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions—from farm to fork to landfill—over a 10-year period. I’m looking forward to learning about how his big bet is progressing.
Bold thinking is also inspiring us to think about fresh formats and activities that will bring new ways of engaging, learning, and collaborating during the three days of the Conference.
A few developments in progress include:
- Sustainability Tours: Opportunities to explore the New York metropolitan area already include a sustainable architecture and industry tour at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and a walking tour of the Thain Family Forest at the New York Botanical Garden.
- Brand Camp: “Personal Branding for Sustainability Influence” and “So You Want to Be a Sustainability Social Media Star?” are just a sample of new workshops that will give participants the tools required to develop a personal or corporate brand strategy.
- Book Club: Hear from the co-authors of The New Grand Strategy: Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security, and Sustainability in the 21st Century, Colonel Mark Mykleby and Joel Makower, about a business plan for America, born at the Pentagon, that embeds sustainability as a strategic national imperative.
- Group Discounts: We are pleased to offer group discounts to three or more people registering at the same time from the same organization.
- Food for Thought Dinners: This intimate networking experience will provide participants an opportunity to discuss our Conference theme with BSR industry experts over a meal at one of New York’s best restaurants.
From our multiple breakout sessions and interactive plenary sessions to our integrated networking opportunities, BSR16 will be the place to be this November. We hope you’ll join us to share your insights and ideas on bold sustainability solutions—helping us reach the high bar that we’ve set for ourselves and our global community in 2016. We can’t wait to welcome you!
Register for BSR16 by June 30 to receive the best rates.
This blog originally appeared on BSR.