Renewable Energy Powers Low-Carbon Future for Communities

Building a Utility of the Future: 2019 Sustainability Report
To help communities in Hong Kong and Australia build a low-carbon future, businesses in the CLP Group are offering a growing range of clean energy options for customers. As highlighted in CLP’s Sustainability Report, customers have been responding positively.
In Hong Kong, business and residential customers joining CLP’s Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme are able to earn payments after having small-scale renewable energy systems installed on their premises and successfully connected to the CLP grid.
Launched in May 2018, the scheme received more than 8,400 applications by the end of March 2020. About 86% of these applications were approved or already connected to the grid, representing a total capacity of around 108MW.
Cathay Pacific Catering Services (H.K.) Limited installed 828 solar panels on 3,000 square metres of space on the rooftops of two facilities, providing combined generation capacity of 299kW. With expected annual output of 320,000kWh of electricity, the installation is the single largest in the area near the Hong Kong International Airport.
Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong started a scholarship programme for students from grassroots families with revenue generated only from the FiT scheme. CLP conducted a solar assessment to support the college’s installation of 1,168 solar panels, with generation capacity of 403kW and annual output of about 480,000kWh.
Hong Kong customers may also support local renewable energy generation with the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). RECs represent the greenhouse gas and other pollutant emission reduction benefits associated with electricity produced by local renewable energy sources, purchased or generated by CLP. Up to the end of 2019, over 3GWh units of renewable energy were sold through RECs.
In Australia, customers of EnergyAustralia can subscribe to the PureEnergy programme to purchase accredited green energy which feeds into the grid on their behalf. Residential customers may also choose to opt in to Go Neutral to fully offset the carbon emissions associated with their home electricity usage at no extra cost to them. More than 230,000 EnergyAustralia customers have opted in to GoNeutral, making it one of the largest Climate Active certified offset programmes in Australia.
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Stakeholder who send feedback to CLP on its reports on or before 30 June 2020 will receive four CLP Carbon Credits. Share your views on the Sustainability Report here.