Republic Services Recognized by OneOC with Spirit of Volunteerism Award

Republic Services of Hunting Beach Municipal Manager, Jeff Snow, was recently recognized by OneOC with the Spirit of Volunteerism Award. Jeff was nominated by the Orange County Feedbank in the area of Hunger & Homelessness for his leadership with the WasteNotOC nonprofit in establishing partnerships with local schools to divert organics from landfills and donate unused food to the homeless in Orange County, California areas.
Republic Services had a vision for diverting wholesome food away from landfills and directing that food to hunger relief organizations. Jeff Snow is helping to feed those in need of food and truly give back to the local community in a sustainable way. Through OneOC’s mission of accelerating nonprofit success, OneOC provides volunteers, training, consulting and fiscal sponsorship services for nonprofits to help them become as efficient and effective as they are passionate about their missions. Republic Services and WasteNotOC are working together to make a difference. In 2017 alone, the effort has provided 3.2 million meals to the needy and in so doing will divert some 5,000 tons of organics waste from Orange County landfills by year’s end.
WasteNotOC was founded by Dr. Eric Handler, Orange County’s top public health officer and Mark Lowry, Director of the Orange County Foodbank. In 2016, Jeff Snow of Republic Services was appointed to the Board of WasteNotOC, and serves as the sole waste industry representative. The organization is delivering strong results through it’s coalition with local hospitals, environmental health agency, food recovery agencies, pantries and waste haulers. Orange County Foodbank, Second Harvest Food Bank and Foodfinders are all primary partners of WasteNotOC along with Yellow Cab, US Foods, Sysco Foods and Republic Services in providing surplus food resources to those in need while diverting these materials from landfills.