Responsible Business is the “It” Strategy

Dec 5, 2011 2:55 PM ET

Volunteering is CSR

What’s great about the annual Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Conference is that it convenes all the business leaders who truly get CSR from around the globe. We gather together once a year to strut our stuff and show off working examples of how we get “it” – providing insight for the choice few in the audience who don’t get “it” and inspiring everyone to push “it” even further. This “it” is the vision for every company to embed responsibility into its business strategy. 

One message was clear across all sessions – social responsibility is no longer an option for companies – it is required. This doesn’t mean CSR needs to be a burden. In fact, leaders who graced the stage at BSR expressed the exact opposite, and detailed how operating with responsibility has lead to increased trust and value among stakeholders. To pull a few key points: 

Read more on the Volunteering Is CSR blog...
