Responsible Forestry Leaders Celebrated at Greenbuild During FSC’s 25th Anniversary Gala
Baskahegan Company and UFP International, Certified by SCS Global Services, are Among Award Recipients

ATLANTA, November 21, 2019 /3BL Media/– SCS Global Services celebrates longtime Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) certificate holders Baskahegan Company and UFP International as 2019 FSC Leadership Award recipients, among 13 winners, at a ceremony during Greenbuild in Atlanta on Wednesday.
The award was given to Baskahegan Company for “15 years of continuous FSC-certified forest management and a commitment to long-term stewardship in Maine’s Baskahegan Valley.” UFP International + The Kendeda Building at Georgia Tech received the award for “innovative use of FSC and reclaimed wood in this mass timber project seeking Living Building status.”
“These companies are highly deserving of an FSC Leadership Award –Baskahegan Company, for its longstanding dedication to economically and ecologically responsible forestry practices over five decades, and the degree to which it is so well integrated with and supportive of the local community, and UFP for its commitment to responsible sourcing globally, and its leadership in innovative, sustainable building,” said Dave Bubser, Vice President of Natural Resources, SCS Global Services.
On FSC’s 25th anniversary, FSC also recognized the first FSC certificate holders that celebrated 25 years of upholding the high standards of FSC certification. Longstanding SCS certified companies Collins, Menominee Tribal Enterprises, Rumney Mill, and Seven Islands Land Company were honored.
“We applaud these organizations for their enduring commitment to responsible forest management and FSC certification,” said Corey Brinkema, President, FSC US. “Their dedication sends an important signal to the market, especially as awareness of FSC’s role as a climate solution grows, bringing new companies and customers to FSC markets.”
Award winners were honored at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta on Wednesday evening. The FSC Leadership Awards is an annual event that recognizes top tier individuals and entities for their contribution to responsible forestry through FSC certification. Learn more about FSC Forest Management and Chain of Custody Certification here.
About SCS Global Services
SCS Global Services has been a global leader in third-party environmental and sustainability verification, certification, auditing, testing, and standards development for more than three decades. Its programs span a cross-section of industries, recognizing achievements in green building, product manufacturing, food and agriculture, forestry, power generation, retail, and more. Headquartered in Emeryville, California, SCS has representatives and affiliate offices throughout the Americas, Asia/Pacific, Europe and Africa. Its broad network of auditors are experts in their fields, and the company is a trusted partner to many environmental NGOs due to its dedication to quality and professionalism. SCS is a chartered Benefit Corporation, reflecting its commitment to socially and environmentally responsible business practices. For more information visit
About the Forest Stewardship Council
The Forest Stewardship Council, the world’s most trusted forest certification, is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically prosperous management of forests. FSC was created in 1993 to set the standards by which forests are certified, offering assurance to consumers and businesses that the wood products they buy originate from well-managed forests. More than 5,000 companies and nearly 170 million acres of forestland are certified under FSC in the United States and Canada. For more information visit