Road Safety: Walking the Talk

FedEx wraps up another round of International Walk to School Day events held in October
Image of a group of people gathered around a banner

Originally published on LinkedIn

By: Tim Wertner, Senior Vice President U.S. Operations at FedEx Express

I was honored to walk alongside Torine Creppy, the President of Safe Kids Worldwide, as we led more than 1,200 kids and adults in our FedEx and Safe Kids Walk This Way event, promoting pedestrian safety. Dozens of FedEx volunteers helped ensure kids were safe walkers.

I’m so proud of what 20,000 FedEx volunteers around the world have accomplished in support of Safe Kids. They’ve helped reach more than 17 million children with life-saving an injury preventing training and education. They’ll reach more than a million kids this year alone.This year marks the 20th anniversary of our work with Safe Kids. What began 20 years ago as a pilot program in 3 cities – including Memphis – is now in hundreds of cities across the United States and nine other countries. The Memphis walk was held with Grahamwood Elementary School, one of the schools that participated in the pilot program.

Already looking forward to next year’s walk!