SABIC Finds Profit in Good Practice

Originally published in Best Practice Winter 2016 issue
The Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) cuts carbon emissions by recycle CO2. Miranda Ingram reports…
Global petrochemical giant SABIC is celebrating its large-scale circular economy initiative whereby waste CO2 that used to vent into the atmosphere is now being converted into feedstock for the company’s manufacturing facilities. This drastically cuts carbon emissions and reduces the purchase of natural gas. The initiative is both an environmental and a financial triumph.
“SABIC has been a sustainable company since its foundation by turning excess gas into useful products,” said Corporate Sustainability Director Gretchen Govoni, “but our sustainability function began in 2008, when we started examining our energy and water usage and greenhouse-gas emissions. As we collected and analysed our data it became apparent that our biggest opportunity to make a difference was not in cutting traditional hazardous waste but in tackling our carbon emissions.”
SABIC’s dedication to sustainable innovation is ‘Chemistry that Matters'™ to the environment and future generations.
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