Safety Month: Get Involved for the Good of All
Engaging our employees in our strong safety culture this Safety Month
Tetra Tech’s employee participation and engagement are vital to the success of our Health & Safety program—we strive to engage more employees each year during Safety Month. We believe a successful safety program must include engaging employees in various safety processes at all levels.
When employees are well informed about safety practices in their workplace, they are more aware of their surroundings. Research shows that 70 percent fewer safety incidents occur in highly engaged workplaces, which is a win-win for both employees and employers.
Engaged employees also have happier home lives, according to a Kansas State study. Satoris Culbertson, one of the researchers on this study stated, “…individuals who are engaged in positive experiences at work and who share those experiences with significant others perceived themselves as better able to deal with issues at home, became better companions, and became more effective overall in the home environment.”
Ways to Engage in a Strong Safety Culture
Getting involved and promoting Health & Safety concepts can provide great mental and physical health benefits. You have many options to get involved beyond just being aware of policies and procedures, including:
- Leading safety conversations in the field and office during briefings and meetings
- Addressing your managers and leadership on ways to improve your office or job site’s safety culture
- Applying knowledge received in training to work tasks
- Setting a good example for new employees and mentoring them on our Health & Safety culture
Your participation in and active commitment to a strong safety culture benefits you, your colleagues, and your family.