Schneider Electric: Electricity Companies Should Go Green

Schneider Electric: Electricity Companies Should Go Green
Electricity companies have already taken positive steps in their role as key contributors to CO2 reduction. Now they should continue to build upon their existing achievements by increasing their sustainability efforts as the 1.5°C scenario cannot be achieved without a greater proportion of cleaner electricity.
That’s because the planet cannot support our skyrocketing energy demand with traditional fossil fuel generation without compromising an already precarious environmental situation. This means improving sustainability and increasing the use of decentralized renewables are critical for the future of electricity companies.
Global demand for electricity is expected to increase by 60% by 2040. The good news is that during that same time period solar and wind’s share of global electricity is expected to triple.
The consequences of this shift in the energy market include a new level of complexity – on both the supply and demand side of the energy business – that will introduce challenges and opportunities. The changes will test the industry as the boundaries between supply and demand become blurred. Importantly, a sustainable, renewable-based future will require support and innovation from all players in the energy business.
Read the full article on Schneider Electric's Electricity Companies blog.