Schneider Electric Sustainability Report 2019 - 2020: Ethics Impact and SDGs

Schneider Electric Sustainability Report 2019 - 2020: Ethics Impact and SDGs
We advance the following SDGs in support of ethical business practices and human rights — not just within our company, but for suppliers and partners worldwide.
ESG 1: No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Solidifying uncompromised values
We work with every strategic supplier in a continuous improvement process based on the ISO 26000 guidelines, including human rights and labor practices. This involves on-site audits, ethics and human rights education, and in-person workshops for suppliers, procurement teams, and others.
A living wage is a human right
We ensure our employees and associates are compensated with a living wage in every country in which we operate. We also make a concerted effort to close gender pay gaps using common global methodology:
We’ve implemented a Pay Equity framework to identify and correct gender pay gaps. At the end of 2019, it was implemented in all countries, covering 99% of our workforce. We’ve initiated a global process to analyze wages and employment practices against local living standards, as determined by an external consultant (BSR). At the end of 2019, it covered 63 countries — that's 99% of our footprint.
By 2020:
- 5.5 pts/100 increase in average score of ISO 26000 assessment for our strategic suppliers
- 95%of employees covered under the Pay Equity Framework
- 350 suppliers under Human Rights & Environment vigilance received specific on-site assessment
SDG 3: Good health and Well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Prioritizing people everywhere
By viewing well-being holistically — as physical, mental, social, and emotional — we develop programs that empower and support employees. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re continuously adjusting our policies to protect our people, their livelihood, and the communities in which we operate.
Safety first, for all
- In our Principles of Responsibility, we express that nurturing a safe, clean, and orderly work environment is both our collective responsibility and a function of every Schneider employee, partner, and affiliate. This is also true for our suppliers, contractors, and customers.
- With our Safety and Occupational Health Policy and the S.A.F.E. First program (Self check, Activity check, Facility check, Environment check), we continuously aspire to the highest standards of safety excellence.
- We mobilize our suppliers on health and safety first through the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, secondly through the Schneider Supplier Quality Management system to select new suppliers, and thirdly with our three-year, on-site audit program for 350 suppliers identified as “high risk.”
By 2020:
- 0.88 medical incident per million hours worked
- 350 suppliers under Human Rights & Environment vigilance received specific on-site assessment
- 90% of employees had access to a comprehensive well-being at work program
Read Schneider Electric's full SDG committment in its Sustaianbility Report 2019 - 2020