Schneider Electric's Commitment to Sustainability Recognized at Davos

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Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has been given two significant rankings - including a top place on among the Global 100 MostSustainable Corporations ranking of Clean Capitalism magazine Corporate Knights, and a place on the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) “A-List” for the ninth consecutive year. The rankings were announced on the opening day of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, where environmental sustainability is a dominating issue.
Recognition on environmental and ethical indicators
Schneider Electric was ranked among the “Global 100” most sustainable companies by Corporate Knights for the seventh year running, coming 29th overall and first in its category. More than 7,500 companies were evaluated to produce a list of 100, based on 21 key performance indicators covering resource management, employee management, financial management, clean revenue and supplier performance.
Some SSI achievements in Q3 2019:
- Helped clients save 88 million metric tons of CO2
- CO2 efficiency in transportation was improved by 8.8%
- 45% renewable electricity consumption worldwide
- Consumption of over 77,000 tons of primary resources avoided with circular offers.
Schneider Electric exceeds its own sustainability targets
Both rankings recognized Schneider Electric’s engagement to sustainability, as measured through the Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI). The SSI, which is published quarterly and is a valuable source of information for investors, rates the company’s progress towards ambitious sustainability commitments through 21 key performance indicators around Climate, Circular Economy, Health & Equity, Ethics and Development. Renewed and updated for 2018 through 2020, the company had increased targets on nine of these indicators at the end of 2019.
"The climate emergency and the related management of economic risks are our generation’s biggest challenge. We must rethink the way we live with energy, the way we design buildings, industries and cities, and leverage technology to embark on a different path to a net zero carbon world. These issues are key and should be high in the agenda of this year’s World Economic Forum,” commented Schneider Electric CEO and Chairman Pascal Tricoire.
“At Schneider Electric, our commitment to carbon neutrality is weaved into our business decisions and governance. However, we all need to do more and faster. The recognition of our efforts by both the CDP and Corporate Knights is a very positive step and gives us a boost.”
Read the full piece on the Schneider Electric Perspectives blog