SF6-Free MV Switchgear Using Pure Air Nominated for Top Awards

Sustainability at Schneider Electric
Rueil-Malmaison (France), July 8, 2020 /3BL Media/ - Schneider Electric’s innovative new SF6-free switchgear technology using pure air has been nominated for the world’s most important industrial prize, the HERMES Award. The new medium voltage switchgear, which uses pure air instead of the industry-standard SF6 greenhouse gas, is among the three contenders for this year’s coveted recognition. Additionally, the new switchgear technology is among 15 finalists for the Industrial Energy Efficiency Award.
The HERMES Award, a top international technology prize, honors outstanding products and innovative solutions. The Industrial Energy Efficiency Award (IEEA) recognizes exceptional energy efficiency made possible by manufacturers and utilities. Both are conferred annually by Deutsche Messe during the world’s largest industrial fair, Hannover Messe.
“The industrial and energy worlds are clearly focused on energy decarbonization and efficiency, and I’m honored to see Schneider Electric in the spotlight. We know that the future is green and digital, and it’s a pleasure to receive this confirmation that we are leading the way,” said Frederic Godemel, Executive Vice - President Power Systems at Schneider Electric.
The switchgear nominated for the awards uses the company’s new shunt vacuum interruption (SVI) technology combined with pure air insulation, which enables the avoidance of SF6 while maintaining the advantages of the compact physical footprint, cost-effectiveness, and trusted operating mode of traditional SF6-based equipment. Schneider Electric has reported successful pilot projects of the new SF6-free medium voltage range at numerous electric utilities, including E.ON in Sweden, EEC Engie in New Caledonia, and GreenAlp in France, with more being energized on a regular basis, including in private power networks for commercial and industrial applications.
The winner of the HERMES Award and the IEEA will be announced on July 14th during the HANNOVER MESSE Digital Days, in lieu of an announcement at the cancelled Hannover Messe event.