Share your Adaptable Leadership Story

Dec 5, 2013 9:15 AM ET

There comes a time in every career when it is necessary to blaze an uncharted path or quickly change the course of our goals or priorities. Today’s corporate citizenship business environment changes at unprecedented speeds. Only those capable of quickly and effectively adapting to new situations and environments will see long-term success in their careers. As corporate citizenship professionals we know being an adaptable leader is woven into your DNA.

In this field, circumstances frequently arise which require you to recalculate and redefine your plan of action and we want you to share those stories with us! Tell us about those times when you were an adaptable leader – thinking on your feet, making changes on the fly, and rolling with the punches in order to achieve success! The Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship is looking for short video clips (under a minute please) featuring you as an adaptable corporate citizenship leader. Submitted videos will be showcased in a video gallery on Facebook and our website, and then compiled into a video montage for the 2014 International Corporate Citizenship Conference.

We hope you’ll showcase your experiences by submitting a video to be shared with your corporate citizenship colleagues. Tell us….

- How did you take advantage of new opportunities?

- Were you able to circumvent barriers to make the most of change?

- Has the bumpy road allowed you to drive long-term success?

- How do you strive to be an adaptable leader in your everyday career?

We will be collecting videos until January 31st, 2014; hopefully you can find a moment between now and then to use your smartphone or webcam to share your experiences, challenges and successes! Click here to share your story today.

The Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship is looking forward to seeing what adaptable leadership means to you!