The Simple Idea That Could be the Answer to our Plastic Problem: Reusable Packaging

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A new initiative by a small company has compelled more than two dozen of the world’s biggest brands to begin testing reusable packaging.
Part of the magic of Loop is reusable packaging, designed in partnership with the brand owners to be not just durable, but "counter-worthy" — attractive enough to keep in plain view, in the words of Virginie Helias, vice president and chief sustainability officer at Procter & Gamble. "You want to show it to your friends." But, she adds, the appeal is not just aesthetic: "It's also the fact that it's a better premium experience for people."
For P&G, that meant designing new packaging for the Loop platform. And, in some cases, inventing new products altogether.
For example, the company developed a toothbrush called Click, part of the company’s Oral B line. "It's basically a new design that reduced the plastic by 60 percent because you have a durable handle which is made of composite material," explained Helias. "And there is a mechanism which we call Click Fits, which allows you to detach the head from the handle."