Smithfield Addresses the Hog Industry’s Vulnerability to Climate Change
EDF welcomes new measures to improve resilience, reduce methane emissions
Oct 30, 2018 11:45 AM ET
Smithfield Renewables 25 by ‘25

October 25, 2018, (NEW YORK, NY) With North Carolina still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Florence, Smithfield Foods, the world’s largest pork producer, today committed to invest in infrastructure and provide farmer incentives to install manure lagoon covers and digesters on 90 percent of the total hog finishing capacity in North Carolina, Missouri and Utah over the next 10 years. These technologies protect manure lagoons from excessive rainfall, capture methane emissions and generate renewable energy from biogas.
The commitment includes Smithfield’s own operations and contract farms, as well as opportunities for other integrators to join. Meeting this goal would help Smithfield exceed its industry-leading commitment to reduce supply chain greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2025.