Solar Power Pros and Cons: 10 Myths Debunked
Sep 30, 2015 10:00 AM ET
SunPower Blog

Solar Power Pros and Cons: 10 Myths Debunked
Though solar energy systems are being installed on more homes and businesses than ever, many people have misconceptions about it. Check out the full blog post here for the following 10 solar myths, debunked:
1. Solar is a new unproven technology.
2. Solar only works in sunny, warm climates.
3. Solar is too expensive.
4. If I get solar, I can live completely off the grid.
5. Any surplus energy my system produces is lost.
6. Solar panels are ugly.
7. Solar panels are fragile and don’t last very long.
8. Solar will decrease the resale value of my home.
9. Solar is only for hippies and tree huggers.
10. All solar panels are created equal.