From the Source: Conflict Minerals List Makes Compliance a Little Easier

Supply Chain, Conflict Minerals, and Risk Management Newsletter
Supply Chain & Risk Management Conflict minerals list makes compliance a little easier
The Wall Street Journal. The Commerce Department on Friday published a list of smelters and refiners of so-called conflict minerals, but warned that it “does not have the ability to distinguish” which are being used to fund militia groups.
More than 1,000 in Aceh Protest Ban on Gold Mining
Jakarta Global. Traditional gold miners in the Pidie district have slammed Aceh Governor Zaini Abdullah’s recent ban on illegal gold mining, demanding that he proves claims that their activities cause environmental destruction.
Intel: The push to stop conflict minerals is gaining
Triple Pundit. Human rights activists have been waiting for at least a year to see the Department of Commerce’s breakdown of global conflict mining sites. Still, the department’s announcement last week that its data was, well, inconclusive, was no surprise.
In Eastern Congo, economic colonialism the guise of ethical consumption?
The Washington Post. When we think of the Congo today, we may think of bloody resource wars where women are being raped by armed groups to gain access to and control of the country’s minerals.
U.S. Court rules OK to sue chocolate firms over child slave labor
SF Gate. Nestle and other major companies that merchandise chocolate from Africa can be sued for importing cocoa harvested by child slave laborers in the Ivory Coast, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday.
-- Report - Conflict Minerals Year In ReviewThis report contains an analysis of supplier data from 2013 and highlights the key supplier segments that present the greatest challenge for companies in meeting their reporting goals. Download now to find out the best ways to engage these suppliers for your conflict minerals compliance program.
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Events September 10-16 - Triple Pundit Traceability Week: Q&A with Source Intelligence on Mineral TraceabilityJoin Triple Pundit and a panel of experts for 3P Traceability Week to discuss traceability in four controversial arenas — seafood, fashion, minerals and medical marijuana. The Q&A closes on Tuesday, September 16.
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September 25 - The Conflict Minerals Big Picture - Free WebinarCarlsbad, Ca. - Successful conflict minerals compliance requires a multi-faceted approach that integrates all aspects of a compliance program, from product applicability to supplier education to data validation and reporting. Dr. Jennifer Kraus of Source Intelligence and Lawrence Heim of The Elm Consulting Group will build on the lessons learned from the first year of reporting and present a holistic approach to conflict minerals compliance that lays a foundation for total supply chain transparency.
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