Southern California Edison: How to Build EV-Ready Communities

Read the full EV-Ready Communities white paper here
With more than 500,000 plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) on California’s roads,1 and millions more to come, many local officials understand that getting their communities EV-ready is not only a sustainability best practice but also an economic development opportunity.
California is leading the EV adoption trend within the United States, with approximately half of all EVs on the road in the U.S. registered here.2 As residents and businesses across the state purchase EVs in ever-greater numbers, electric infrastructure will need to support EV charging for EV drivers wherever they choose to live, work and play.
They’ll be traveling through cities and counties other than their own — contributing to reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improved air quality and reduced noise pollution. They’ll be fueling their vehicles with domestically produced clean energy. They’ll also seek places to park and charge their EVs as they work, shop and visit attractions.
By tapping into the economic, environmental, public health and quality-of-life benefits of zero-emission vehicles, local governments that are making their cities and counties EV-ready are meeting the needs of their residents, and can gain a competitive edge in attracting new (and retaining existing) residents and businesses.
Action and leadership at the local level is crucial to making transportation electrification a statewide reality. Recognizing very real resource constraints affecting many local governments in California, there is a spectrum of low-cost, high-value actions they can take to accelerate EV readiness and adoption inside and outside of their boundaries.
Read about California's EV landscape and what local governments in California are doing to pave the way for electric vehicles are in Southern California Edison's full report.
1., November 2018 Sales Dashboard, accessed Dec. 19, 2018.
Dashboard_PEV_Sales_veloz.pdf. Data aggregated from www.hybridcars. com and
2. Alliance of Auto Manufacturers, Advanced Technology Vehicles Sales Dashboard | Data compiled by Alliance of Auto manufacturers using information provided by IHS Markit, accessed Nov. 28, 2018, via