STEM Education: Qualcomm Inspires the Next Generation of Inventors

As featured in Qualcomm's 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is the foundation for everything we do. It supports the brainpower behind the breakthrough technologies and inventions we bring to life. As technology leaders and a Company of inventors, we are committed to nurturing and equipping future innovators with the skills and knowledge to solve global challenges. We work to foster a diverse and inclusive workforce by advancing STEM education for students at all levels and from all backgrounds. A steady, diverse pipeline of STEM professionals is vital for Qualcomm’s continued leadership in technologies such as 5G and beyond.
We invest in initiatives that:
- Bridge the STEM skills gap among students globally
- Build STEM capacity among teachers and educators
- Engage women and underrepresented minorities in STEM fields
- Leverage our employees as STEM ambassadors in our communities
Our 2025 goals serve as milestones to our long-term success, and STEM education is a key part of these efforts. Our 2025 STEM goal is to continue to foster the next generation of innovators by inspiring 1.5 million students and teachers across the globe through our strategic STEM initiatives.
This past year, we made great progress in this area. In 2021, we reached 561,063 students and 12,817 teachers through our social investments in the future workforce, such as our Thinkabit Lab summer programming, our alliance with FIRST and numerous other key collaborations across the globe.
Learn more in Qualcomm's 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report