Students Invited to Take a Peek into the Future of Mobility

PLANO, TX, Tuesday, October 23, 2018 /3BL Media/ -- Rather than take a bus on a field trip, this October, Toyota and Discovery Education will bring the latest in automotive technology to students in their classrooms.
Toyota Research Institute in Ann Arbor, Michigan is opening its doors to middle and high school students nationwide through a free Virtual Field Trip. The live event, Cars of the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Automated Vehicles, will explore science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts through an in-class activity. Students will see how TRI is using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics to develop smarter automated vehicles. To assist teachers, an educator guide for the Virtual Field Trip is available for download.
“Toyota is working on cutting-edge AI research, and we are excited to show students how we are applying that to vehicle automation and robotics to ignite their passion in STEM,” said Ryan Eustice, senior vice president of Automated Driving, Toyota Research Institute.
Students will also get an insiders’ tour of the University of Michigan’s Mcity, the one of a kind urban test facility where industry, government and academia come together to improve transportation, safety, sustainability and accessibility for the benefit of society.
The Ann Arbor Public Schools in Ann Arbor, Michigan are one of hundreds of school districts across the U.S. expected to participate in the Virtual Field Trip
"Students will be able to see how the curriculum and hands-on skills we practice daily are implemented into the technological world around them; specifically, in the real world work at Toyota," explains Tom Pachera, Ann Arbor Public Schools STEAM Coordinator.
The Virtual Field Trip is the part of Toyota’s TeenDrive365 initiative, which offers a range of content, tools and resources designed specifically for educators, teens and parents. Available at no cost to classrooms nationwide, these resources include: standards-aligned lesson plans for grades 9-12; activities that teach appropriate behaviors for young drivers and passengers.
“The TeenDrive365 ‘Cars of the Future’ Virtual Field Trip will unlock the potential of innovation in classrooms across the country and help students explore the progression of vehicles from present through far in the future,” said Lori McFarling, senior vice president and chief marketing officer, Discovery Education.
Event Details:
What: Cars of the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Automated Vehicles
When: Oct. 30 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
How: Register by clicking here or visit and download materials.
Viewers nationwide are encouraged to engage in the virtual premiere using #TD365VFT via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
About TeenDrive365
TeenDrive365 is a comprehensive program designed by Toyota and Discovery Education to help teens avoid distractions and stay safe behind the wheel. The initiative offers a range of content, tools and resources designed specifically for educators and teens. Available at no cost to classrooms nationwide, these resources include: standards-aligned lesson plans for grades 9-12; activities that teach appropriate behaviors for young drivers and passengers; Heads Up! – an Interactive Road Distraction Challenge that allows teens to virtually experience some of the dangers of distracted driving; and a collection of online events, tools and social media elements that underscore how teens can make a difference by driving safely.
About Toyota Research Institute
Toyota Research Institute is a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Motor North America under the direction of Dr. Gill Pratt. The company, established in 2015, aims to strengthen Toyota’s research structure and has four initial mandates: 1) enhance the safety of automobiles, 2) increase access to cars to those who otherwise cannot drive, 3) translate Toyota’s expertise in creating products for outdoor mobility into products for indoor mobility, and 4) accelerate scientific discovery by applying techniques from artificial intelligence and machine learning. TRI is based in the United States, with offices in Los Altos, Calif., Cambridge, Mass., and Ann Arbor, Mich. For more information about TRI, please visit
About Discovery Education
As the global leader in standards-based digital content for K-12 classrooms worldwide, Discovery Education is transforming teaching and learning with award-winning digital textbooks, multimedia content, professional learning, and the largest professional learning community of its kind. Serving 4.5 million educators and over 50 million students, Discovery Education’s services are available in approximately half of U.S. classrooms, 50 percent of all primary schools in the UK, and more than 50 countries around the globe. Inspired by the global media company Discovery, Inc., Discovery Education partners with districts, states, and like-minded organizations to captivate students, empower teachers, and transform classrooms with customized solutions that increase academic achievement. Explore the future of education at
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