SunPower Offers the Most Efficient Solar Panels Commercially Available Today

SunPower Offers the Most Efficient Solar Panels Commercially Available Today
As one of the world’s most innovative solar companies, SunPower is proud to design, build and install products that lead the industry in durability, reliability and efficiency.
Let’s take a look at efficiency. When you hear people talking about solar panel efficiency they are referring to the amount of sunlight that is absorbed by a solar panel and converted into power for a home or business.
Conventional solar panels are about 15 to 18 percent efficient, meaning that 15 to 18 percent of the sunlight they’re receiving is absorbed and turned into electricity.
SunPower has long been recognized as the industry leader in offering the highest efficiency solar panels on the commercial market.1 Our most efficient solar panel, the SunPower® X-Series solar panel has a nameplate value of 21.5 percent efficiency and has been available to customers since 2013.
In some cases we are finding that these panels are exceeding 22 percent efficiency, as verified by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
It’s important to understand the key features of solar panel technology that enable a panel to efficiently and reliably deliver power through 25 years or more of rain, shine, wind or ice and other weather conditions Mother Nature may bring. Read our recent blog post to learn more about what makes SunPower solar panels different.
1 Green, et. al. Solar Cell Efficiency Tables (Version 46), PiP 2015; 23:805–812, 2015. As verified by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory.